If you are looking for an environmentally-friendly and cost effective way to clean your pipe, look no further than vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and cleaner, and it can be used to clean pipes and bongs of all kinds. We’re going to teach you how to clean a pipe with vinegar and the 3 best ways to do this. These solutions works for all hand pipes including glass pipes and metal pipes.
We will also provide tips on how to select the right vinegar concentration for your needs. Then we will go into some alternative vinegar solutions in case your pipe or bong is EXTRA dirty. This is to teach you how to clean a hand pipe, if you're trying to clean a water pipe then then we can help you as well.
How to Clean a Pipe with Vinegar
When cleaning a pipe with vinegar, it is important to use the right concentration. For light cleaning, a solution of 50/50 water and vinegar will do the trick. For tougher jobs, you can use a stronger concentration of vinegar.
Be sure to test the solution on a small area of the pipe before using it on the entire surface. If the solution begins to remove residue off right away, this is likely a strong enough solution. If it doesn’t, add more vinegar.
Vinegar and Hot Water Pipe Cleaning
- Vinegar
- Toothbrush or other Cleaning Brush
- Water
- Bowl or tupperware
- To clean your pipe with vinegar, start by flushing it with hot water.
- Next, add your chosen vinegar solution to a clean spray bottle and mist it generously over the surface of the pipe. Mist it VERY generously, almost to the point of pouring it. If you’re cleaning a bong, then pour the mixture inside the bong.
- Let the solution sit for several minutes before scrubbing away any dirt or grime with a soft-bristled brush. Make sure to scrub well, the solution will loosen the residue up but it won’t remove it on its own. We like to use an old toothbrush as it’s long enough to reach almost any crevice in a pipe and thin enough to fit into a lot of pipes.
- Finally, rinse the pipe well with clean hot water and allow it to air dry.
How to Clean a Pipe with Vinegar and Baking Soda
If you are looking for a more heavy-duty cleaning solution, you can try using vinegar and baking soda. This combination creates a powerful cleaning agent that is perfect for removing stubborn dirt and grime. This solution will really start to lift the residue off the pipe even before you start scrubbing.
- Vinegar
- Toothbrush or other Cleaning Brush
- Water
- Baking Soda
- Bowl or tupperware
- Simply mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar in a bowl or cup.
- Next, wet a clean cloth or toothbrush with the mixture and use it to scrub the surface of the pipe. We prefer using a toothbrush as it’s easier to scrub with and easier to fit inside most pipes and bongs.
- Rinse away any residue with clean hot water and allow the pipe to air dry.
How to Clean a Pipe with Vinegar and Salt
If you are looking for another heavy-duty cleaning solution, you can try using vinegar and salt. This combination is great for cleaning as the vinegar begins to loosen the residue while the salt almost scrubs it. This solution will really start to lift the residue off the pipe especially if you are able to shake it up. This is a great way to clean your pipe without a brush. We clean a one hitter in a similar way.
- Vinegar
- Water
- Baking Soda
- Ziploc Bag or Tupperware
- Simply mix equal parts salt and vinegar in a bowl or cup. Table salt or sea salt works perfectly.
- Next, place the pipe inside your container with additional mixture and shake up lightly. Don’t shake to the point where you may break your pipe. If you are using a glass pipe be extra careful.
- Let sit for 5 minutes after shaking.
- Rinse away any residue with clean hot water and allow the pipe to air dry.
Both of these methods are safe for use on all types of pipes, including plastic, metal, and glass. When using either method, be sure to wear gloves to avoid contact with the cleaning solutions.
These are safe cleaning solutions, but your hands may get dry if you don’t wear gloves. By no means will these solutions hurt you though. This is an earth friendly cleaning solution for your pipe.
Clean your Hand Pipe Once a Week
Boom, there you go! Three simple and effective ways too clean a pipe with vinegar. Whether you are looking for a light-duty solution or a more heavy-duty option, these methods will get the job done.
No pipe is happier than when it’s freshly cleaned. Nobody is happier smoking than when the pipe they are smoking out of is nice and clean. Cleaning your hand pipe can be annoying, but it’s so worth it especially with these easy cleaning methods.
We recommend cleaning your pipe once a week if you smoke daily. This will help to avoid any residue buildup and prevent you from having to do longer and deeper cleaning sessions.
Cleaning for 5-10 minutes a week should be no big deal. Avoid the hour long cleaning sessions by doing a short weekly pipe cleaning session. You will thank us, your weed will thank us, your pipe will thank us, and anyone else smoking our of your pipe will thank us.
If you're wondering how to clean your water pipe or bong, we have some preferred ways as well.