
The Ashtray Stand: Ripe for a Cannabis Comeback?

man holding a joint that needs to be ashed into an ashtray

Could the ashtray stand (or free-standing ashtray) be the next big weed smoking accessory? Hear us out on this. A positive proliferation of pot products Not too long ago, Vox posted an article titled ‘Stoners just don’t need this much stuff’. All about how anything and everything with even a...

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Bong vs Pipe For Weed: Which Is Better For You?

bong vs pipe
Want to learn all about the differences between a bong vs pipe? In our complete breakdown of the pipe vs bong for weed, you'll learn the key differences among these different smoking methods and which is right for you.
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First Time Getting High, 10 Things To Know

First Time Getting High, 10 Things To Know

Everyone’s first time getting high can be a little different. When we talk about getting high we’re referring to smoking cannabis. Others may call it smoking herb, weed, pot, THC, or another term. Your first time smoking cannabis can be life changing in the best way. Cannabis saves so many...

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Genius Pipe Alternative

Genius pipe alternative

At Smoke Honest, we have created the ultimate genius pipe alternative for your smoking adventures. The genius pipe was one of the original modern smoking pipes on the market. Proclaimed as the "ultimate smoking device", the genius pipe has many unique features that make it enjoyable to smoke out of....

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